PostgreSQL 8 minute read

Hai semuanya, di materi kali ini kita akan membahas Operators pada PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL provides a large number of operators for the built-in data types. Users can also define their own operators, as described in previews section but for now we explain build-in operators.

ada banyak selali Operators, kita akan bahas beberapa yang menurut saya penting untuk di pelajari pada cource ini diantaranya:

  1. Math operators
  2. Concate operators
  3. Typecast operators
  4. Logic operators
  5. Comparation operators

Ok langsung aja kita bahas materi yang pertama

Math operators

Dalam SQL, kita juga bisa melakukan operasi matematika seperti pertambahan, pengurangan, pembagian, dan perkalian. Operasi tersebut dibagi-bagi lagi menjadi beberapa tipe yaitu

  1. Operasi yang bernilai bilangan,
  2. Operasi yang bernilai Date,
  3. Operasi yang bernilai karakter

Operasi pada bilangan pada dasarnya sama seperti operasi matematika biasa, seperti berikut table operasinya:

Operator Description Example Result
+ addition 2 + 3 5
- subtraction 2 - 3 -1
* multiplication 2 * 3 6
/ division 4 / 2 2
% modulo 5 % 4 1
^ exponentiation 2.0 ^ 3.0 8
@ absolute value @ -5.0 5

Contoh penggunaan dalam SQL seperti berikut:

Jika di running maka hasilnya seperti berikut:

 tambah | kali | bagi | pangkat | abs | mod
      4 |    4 |    1 |       8 | 5.3 |   0
(1 row)

Contoh lainnya, menggunakan penjumlahan dalam suatu table, seperti berikut:

Jika dijalankan hasilnya seperti berikut:

 first_name  | gaji_plus 
 Steven      |  25000.00
 Neena       |  18000.00
 Lex         |  18000.00
 Bruce       |   7000.00
 Nancy       |  13000.00
 Daniel      |  10000.00
 John        |   9200.00
 Ismael      |   8700.00
 Jose Manuel |   8800.00

Operasi matematika pada tanggal juga bisa dilakukan, diantaranya seperti berikut:

    lusa    |   besok    | kurang 2 hari |     kurang 2jam     | tambah 1 hari | durasi dalam hari |    kurang 15jam     | target harus selesai |   jam makan siang
 2022-02-23 | 2022-02-26 | 2017-03-26    | 2017-03-27 22:00:00 | 2017-03-29    |                15 | 2017-03-28 03:20:00 | 2017-04-23 00:00:00  | 2017-03-02 12:19:30
(1 row)

Concate operators

Apa itu concatenation?, Concatenation biasanya digunakan untuk mengkombinasikan, menyambungkan beberapa kolom dalam suatu query menjadi satu. seperti berikut ilustrasinya:


Ok misalnya saya punya struktur tabel seperti berikut:

hr=# \d employees;
                                            Table "public.employees"
     Column     |         Type          | Collation | Nullable |                    Default
 employee_id    | integer               |           | not null | nextval('employees_employee_id_seq'::regclass)
 first_name     | character varying(20) |           |          |
 last_name      | character varying(25) |           | not null |
 email          | character varying(25) |           | not null |
 phone_number   | character varying(20) |           |          |
 job_id         | character varying(10) |           |          |
 salary         | numeric(8,2)          |           |          |
 commission_pct | numeric(2,2)          |           |          |
 manager_id     | integer               |           |          |
 department_id  | integer               |           |          |

Nah saya mau mengambil semua data dari table employees untuk menampilkan kode karyawan dan nama depan + nama belakang digabungkan menjadi satu kolom. Berikut adalah contoh querynya:

Berikut hasilnya:

id  |   nama_lengkap
 100 | Steven King
 101 | Neena Kochhar
 102 | Lex De Haan
 103 | Alexander Hunold
 104 | Bruce Ernst
 105 | David Austin
 106 | Valli Pataballa
 107 | Diana Lorentz
 (107 rows)

Typecast operators

SQL is a strongly typed language. That is, every data item has an associated data type which determines its behavior and allowed usage. PostgreSQL has an extensible type system that is more general and flexible than other SQL implementations.

Select the operators to be considered from the pg_operator system catalog. If a non-schema-qualified operator name was used (the usual case), the operators considered are those with the matching name and argument count that are visible in the current search path.

PostgreSQL supports a CAST operator that is used to convert a value of one type to another:

select CAST ( expression AS target_type );

The following statement converts:

Jika dijalankan maka hasilnya seperti berikut:

hr=# select cast ('100' as int) as string_to_int,
hr-#        cast ('10.3' as double precision) as string_to_double,
hr-#        cast ('28-FEB-2022' as date) as string_to_date,
hr-#        'dimasm' || cast (93 as varchar) as int_to_string,
hr-#        cast(0 as boolean) as int_to_boolean;
 string_to_int | string_to_double | string_to_date | int_to_string | int_to_boolean
           100 |             10.3 | 2022-02-28     | dimasm93      | f

Logical operator

The usual logical operators are available:

boolean AND boolean  boolean
boolean OR boolean  boolean
NOT boolean  boolean

SQL uses a three-valued logic system with true, false, and null, which represents “unknown”. Observe the following truth tables:

Berikut hasilnya:

 AND -> true x true | AND -> true x false | AND -> false x false | AND -> null x false | AND -> null x true | OR -> true x true | OR -> true x false | OR -> false x false | OR -> null x true | OR -> null x false | NOT -> false | NOT -> null | NOT -> true
 t                  | f                   | f                    | f                   |                    | t                 | t                  | f                   | t                 |                    | t            |             | f
(1 row)

Atau kalo kita gambarin tabelnya seperti berikut untuk AND dan OR Operators:

Operator true x false false x false true x true null x true null x false
AND false false true - false
OR true false true true -

Sedangkan berikut untuk NOT Operator:

Operator false true null
NOT true false -

The operators AND and OR are commutative, that is, you can switch the left and right operands without affecting the result. (However, it is not guaranteed that the left operand is evaluated before the right operand.

Comparation operators

The usual comparison operators are available, as shown in below

Operators Description
datatype < datatype → boolean Less than
datatype > datatype → boolean Greater than
datatype <= datatype → boolean Less than or equal to
datatype >= datatype → boolean Greater than or equal to
datatype = datatype → boolean Equal
datatype != datatype → boolean Not Equal
datatype <> datatype → boolean Not Equal

These comparison operators are available for all built-in data types that have a natural ordering, including numeric, string, and date/time types. In addition, arrays, composite types, and ranges can be compared if their component data types are comparable.

There are also some comparison predicates, as shown in below. These behave much like operators, but have special syntax mandated by the SQL standard.

Operators Description Examples
IS NULL Test whether value is null. 1.5 IS NULL → f
IS NOT NULL Test whether value is not null. 1.5 IS NOT NULL → t
IS TRUE/FALSE Test whether boolean expression yields true/false. NULL::boolean IS TRUE → f
IS NOT TRUE/FALSE Test whether boolean expression yields true/false. NULL::boolean IS NOT TRUE → f
IS UNKNOWN Test whether boolean expression yields unknown. NULL::boolean IS UNKNOWN → t
IS NOT UNKNOWN Test whether boolean expression yields true or false. NULL::boolean IS NOT UNKNOWN → f
datatype BETWEEN datatype AND datatype → boolean inclusive of the range endpoints. 2 BETWEEN 1 AND 3 → t
datatype NOT BETWEEN datatype AND datatype → boolean the negation of BETWEEN 2 NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 3 → f

For examples:

Jika dijalankan maka hasilnya seperti berikut:

hr=# select 3 > 4 as compare_less_than,
hr-#        'nilai tidak sama' <> 'nilai sama' as compare_string_no_equal,
hr-#        '28-FEB-2022'::DATE = '28-FEB-2021'::DATE as compare_date_equal, -- '28-FEB-2022'::DATE sama seperti CAST('28-FEB-2022' as date)
hr-#        2800000 IS NOT NULL as compare_not_null,
hr-#        'off'::boolean IS NOT TRUE as compare_not_true; -- 'off'::boolean sama seperti CAST('off' as boolean)
 compare_less_than | compare_string_no_equal | compare_date_equal | compare_not_null | compare_not_true
 f                 | t                       | f                  | t                | t
(1 row)