Docker for DevOps engineer 9 minute read

Hai semuanya di materi kali ini kita akan membahas tentang profiles pada compose file. Diantaranya

  1. What is profiles?
  2. Assigning profiles to services
  3. Auto-enabling profiles and dependency resolution

Ok langsung aja kita ke pembahasan yang pertama

What is profiles

Profiles allow adjusting the Compose application model for various usages and environments by selectively enabling services. This is achieved by assigning each service to zero or more profiles. If unassigned, the service is always started but if assigned, it is only started if the profile is activated.

This allows one to define additional services in a single docker-compose.yml file that should only be started in specific scenarios, e.g. for debugging or development tasks.

Valid profile names follow the regex format of [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+:

  1. Diawali dengan huruf (in-case-sensitive), dan angka
  2. Sisannya yang boleh hanya huruf (ignore-case), angka, underscore (_), titik (.) dan dash (-).

Basic of usage profile, here are example of docker-compose.yaml:

Berikut adalah .env file:

Sekarang kita coba jalankan dengan perintah berikut:

docker-compose -f docker-compose --profile debug -p myapp up -d

Jika dijalankan maka outputnya seperti berikut:

 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\basic-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p default-profile up -d
Creating network "default-profile_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "default-profile_mysql_data" with default driver
Creating default-profile_db_1 ... done

 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\basic-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p default-profile ps
        Name                     Command             State          Ports
default-profile_db_1 mysqld   Up      3306/tcp, 33060/tcp

 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\basic-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p default-profile down --volumes
Stopping default-profile_db_1 ... done
Removing default-profile_db_1 ... done
Removing network default-profile_default
Removing volume default-profile_mysql_data

 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\basic-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p debug-profile --profile debug up -d
Creating network "debug-profile_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "debug-profile_mysql_data" with default driver
Creating debug-profile_db_1 ... done
Creating debug-profile_phpmyadmin_1 ... done

 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\basic-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p debug-profile --profile debug ps
           Name                         Command               State                   Ports
debug-profile_db_1  mysqld      Up      3306/tcp, 33060/tcp
debug-profile_phpmyadmin_1   / apac ...   Up>80/tcp,:::33306->80/tcp

 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\basic-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p debug-profile --profile debug down --volumes
Stopping debug-profile_phpmyadmin_1 ... done
Stopping debug-profile_db_1         ... done
Removing debug-profile_phpmyadmin_1 ... done
Removing debug-profile_db_1         ... done
Removing network debug-profile_default
Removing volume debug-profile_mysql_data

Assigning profiles to services

Services are associated with profiles through the profiles attribute which takes an array of profile names:

Here the services webapp and phpmyadmin are assigned to the profiles frontend and debug respectively and as such are only started when their respective profiles are enabled.

Services without a profiles attribute will always be enabled, i.e. in this case running docker-compose up would only start backend and db.

## default profile
 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\assign-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p default up -d
Creating network "default_default" with the default driver
Creating default_db_1 ... done
Creating default_backend_1 ... done

 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\assign-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p default ps
      Name                     Command               State                  Ports
default_backend_1   docker-php-entrypoint apac ...   Up>80/tcp,:::8080->80/tcp
default_db_1 mysqld      Up      3306/tcp, 33060/tcp

 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\assign-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p default down
Stopping default_backend_1 ... done
Stopping default_db_1      ... done
Removing default_backend_1 ... done
Removing default_db_1      ... done
Removing network default_default
Removing volume default_mysql_data

## debug profile enabled
 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\assign-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p debug-mode --profile debug up -d
Creating network "debug-mode_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "debug-mode_mysql_data" with default driver
Creating debug-mode_db_1 ... done
Creating debug-mode_phpmyadmin_1 ... done
Creating debug-mode_backend_1    ... done

 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\assign-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p debug-mode --profile debug ps
         Name                        Command               State               Ports
debug-mode_backend_1      docker-php-entrypoint apac ...   Up>80/tcp,:::8080->
debug-mode_db_1  mysqld      Up      3306/tcp, 33060/tcp
debug-mode_phpmyadmin_1   / apac ...   Up>80/tcp,:::33306
 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\assign-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p debug-mode --profile debug down --volumes
Stopping debug-mode_phpmyadmin_1 ... done
Stopping debug-mode_backend_1    ... done
Stopping debug-mode_db_1         ... done
Removing debug-mode_phpmyadmin_1 ... done
Removing debug-mode_backend_1    ... done
Removing debug-mode_db_1         ... done
Removing network debug-mode_default
Removing volume debug-mode_mysql_data

## debug & dev mode profile enabled using --profile
 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\assign-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p debug-dev-mode --profile debug --profile dev up -d
Creating network "debug-dev-mode_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "debug-dev-mode_mysql_data" with default driver
Creating debug-dev-mode_db_1 ... done
Creating debug-dev-mode_migrate-tools_1 ... done
Creating debug-dev-mode_phpmyadmin_1    ... done
Creating debug-dev-mode_backend_1       ... done
 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\assign-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p debug-dev-mode --profile debug --profile dev ps
            Name                         Command             State               Ports
debug-dev-mode_backend_1       docker-php-entrypoint apac    Up>80/tcp,:::808
                               ...                                    0->80/tcp
debug-dev-mode_db_1   mysqld   Up       3306/tcp, 33060/tcp
debug-dev-mode_migrate-        flyway -user=perpus -passw    Exit 1
tools_1                        ...
debug-dev-mode_phpmyadmin_1    / apac    Up>80/tcp,:::33
                               ...                                    306->80/tcp
 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\assign-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p debug-dev-mode --profile debug --profile dev down --volumes
Stopping debug-dev-mode_backend_1    ... done
Stopping debug-dev-mode_phpmyadmin_1 ... done
Stopping debug-dev-mode_db_1         ... done
Removing debug-dev-mode_backend_1       ... done
Removing debug-dev-mode_phpmyadmin_1    ... done
Removing debug-dev-mode_migrate-tools_1 ... done
Removing debug-dev-mode_db_1            ... done
Removing network debug-dev-mode_default
Removing volume debug-dev-mode_mysql_data

## debug & dev mode profile enabled using COMPOSE_PROFILE env variable
 docker  $env:COMPOSE_PROFILES="debug,dev"
 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\assign-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p debug-dev-mode up -d
debug-dev-mode_db_1 is up-to-date
debug-dev-mode_backend_1 is up-to-date
Creating debug-dev-mode_phpmyadmin_1    ... done
Creating debug-dev-mode_migrate-tools_1 ... done

 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\assign-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p debug-dev-mode ps
            Name                         Command             State               Ports
debug-dev-mode_backend_1       docker-php-entrypoint apac    Up>80/tcp,:::808
                               ...                                    0->80/tcp
debug-dev-mode_db_1   mysqld   Up       3306/tcp, 33060/tcp
debug-dev-mode_migrate-        flyway -user=perpus -passw    Exit 0
tools_1                        ...
debug-dev-mode_phpmyadmin_1    / apac    Up>80/tcp,:::33
                               ...                                    306->80/tcp

 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\assign-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p debug-dev-mode down
Stopping debug-dev-mode_phpmyadmin_1 ... done
Stopping debug-dev-mode_backend_1    ... done
Stopping debug-dev-mode_db_1         ... done
Removing debug-dev-mode_migrate-tools_1 ... done
Removing debug-dev-mode_phpmyadmin_1    ... done
Removing debug-dev-mode_backend_1       ... done
Removing debug-dev-mode_db_1            ... done
Removing network debug-dev-mode_default
Removing volume debug-dev-mode_mysql_data

 docker  Remove-Item Env:COMPOSE_PROFILES

Auto-enabling profiles and dependency resolution

When a service with assigned profiles is explicitly targeted on the command line its profiles will be enabled automatically so you don’t need to enable them manually. This can be used for one-off services and debugging tools. As an example consider this configuration:

Jika kita jalankan maka hasilnya seperti berikut:

# will only start only db
 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\implicit-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p default up -d
Creating network "default_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "default_mysql_data" with default driver
Creating default_db_1 ... done

 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\implicit-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p default ps
    Name                 Command             State          Ports
default_db_1 mysqld   Up      3306/tcp, 33060/tcp

 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\implicit-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p default down --volumes
Stopping default_db_1 ... done
Removing default_db_1 ... done
Removing network default_default
Removing volume default_mysql_data

# this will run phpmyadmin (and - if necessary - start db)
# by implicitly enabling profile `debug`
 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\implicit-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p implicit-enabled up -d phpmyadmin
Creating network "implicit-enabled_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "implicit-enabled_mysql_data" with default driver
Creating implicit-enabled_db_1 ... done
Creating implicit-enabled_phpmyadmin_1 ... done

 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\implicit-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p implicit-enabled ps
           Name                       Command             State             Ports
implicit-enabled_db_1         Up      3306/tcp, 33060/tcp
implicit-                    / apac   Up>80/tcp,:::
enabled_phpmyadmin_1         ...                                  33306->80/tcp1

 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\implicit-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p implicit-enabled down --volumes
Stopping implicit-enabled_phpmyadmin_1 ... done
Stopping implicit-enabled_db_1         ... done
Removing implicit-enabled_phpmyadmin_1 ... done
Removing implicit-enabled_db_1         ... done
Removing network implicit-enabled_default
Removing volume implicit-enabled_mysql_data

But keep in mind that docker-compose will only automatically enable the profiles of the services on the command line and not of any dependencies. This means that all services the targeted service depends_on must have a common profile with it, be always enabled (by omitting profiles) or have a matching profile enabled explicitly:

Jika dijalankan maka hasilnya seperti berikut:

# will only start "db"
 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\explicit-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p default up -d
Creating network "default_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "default_mysql_data" with default driver
Creating default_db_1 ... done

 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\explicit-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p default ps
    Name                 Command             State          Ports
default_db_1 mysqld   Up      3306/tcp, 33060/tcp

 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\explicit-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p default down --volumes
Stopping default_db_1 ... done
Removing default_db_1 ... done
Removing network default_default
Removing volume default_mysql_data

# this will start phpmyadmin (and - if necessary - db)
# by implicitly enabling profile `debug`
 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\explicit-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p debug-mode up -d phpmyadmin
Creating network "debug-mode_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "debug-mode_mysql_data" with default driver
Creating debug-mode_db_1 ... done
Creating debug-mode_phpmyadmin_1 ... done

 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\explicit-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p debug-mode ps
         Name                       Command             State              Ports
debug-mode_db_1  mysqld   Up      3306/tcp, 33060/tcp
debug-mode_phpmyadmin_1   / apac    Up>80/tcp,:::33
                          ...                                   306->80/tcp

 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\explicit-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p debug-mode down --volumes
Stopping debug-mode_phpmyadmin_1 ... done
Stopping debug-mode_db_1         ... done
Removing debug-mode_phpmyadmin_1 ... done
Removing debug-mode_db_1         ... done
Removing network debug-mode_default
Removing volume debug-mode_mysql_data

# this will fail because profile "prod" is disabled by migrate-tools
 docker  docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\explicit-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p profile-missing up -d backend
Creating network "profile-missing_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "profile-missing_mysql_data" with default driver
ERROR: Service "migrate-tools" was pulled in as a dependency of service "backend" but is not enabled by the active profiles. You may fix this by adding a common profile to "migrate-tools" and "backend".

Although targeting backend will automatically enable its profiles - i.e. prod - it will not automatically enable the profile(s) required by migrate-tools - i.e. dev. To fix this you either have to add the dev profile to the backend service:

    image: php:8.0-apache
      - 8080:80
      - db
      - migrate-tools
    profiles: [ "prod", "dev" ]

or enable a profile of db explicitly:

docker-compose -f .\09-docker-compose\profiles\explicit-profile.docker-compose.yaml -p debug-mode --profile dev up -d phpmyadmin