Docker for DevOps engineer 3 minute read

Hai semuanya, setelah kita melakukan installasi docker-machine di Windows, Linux dan MacOs sekarang kita akan mencoba memulai menggunakan Docker Machine tersebut sebagai development environtment ya. Diantaranya yang kita bahas adalah:

  1. Use Machine to run Docker containers
  2. Accessing to a machine
  3. Run containers and experiment with Machine commands

Ok langsung aja kita bahas materi yang pertama:

Use Machine to run Docker containers

Let’s take a look at using docker-machine for creating, using, and managing a Docker host inside of VirtualBox.

If you used the Quickstart Terminal to launch your first machine and set your terminal environment to point to it, a default machine was automatically created.

To run a Docker container, you:

  1. create a new (or start an existing) Docker virtual machine
  2. switch your environment to your new VM
  3. use the docker client to create, load, and manage containers

Once you create a machine, you can reuse it as often as you like. Like any VirtualBox VM, it maintains its configuration between uses.

Accessing to a machine

The examples here show how to create and start a machine, run Docker commands, and work with containers.

  1. Open a command shell or terminal window.
  2. Use docker-machine ls to list available machines, In this example, no machines have been created yet.

     ➜ ~  docker-machine ls
  3. Create a machine, Run the docker-machine create command, passing the string virtualbox to the --driver flag. The final argument is the name of the machine. If this is your first machine, name it default. If you already have a “default” machine, choose another name for this new machine.

  4. List available machines again to see your newly minted machine.

     ➜ ~  docker-machine ls
     NAME      ACTIVE   DRIVER       STATE     URL                       SWARM     DOCKER    ERRORS
     default   -        virtualbox   Running   tcp://           v19.03.12
  5. Get the environment commands for your new VM. Note: If you are using fish, or a Windows shell such as Powershell/cmd.exe the above method will not work as described.

     ➜ ~  eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
  6. SSH into your VM. alternatively if you can’t get environtment you can login into machine using this command below.

     ➜ ~  docker-machine ssh default

Run containers and experiment with Machine commands

Run a container with docker run to verify your set up.

  1. Use docker run to download and run nginx

     ➜ ~  docker run -p 8000:80 -d nginx
  2. Get the host IP address. Any exposed ports are available on the Docker host’s IP address, which you can get using the docker-machine ip command:

     ➜ ~  docker-machine ip default
     ➜ ~  curl
     StatusCode        : 200
     StatusDescription : OK
     Content           : <!DOCTYPE html>
                         <title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
                         html { color-scheme: light dark; }
                         body { width: 35em; margin: 0 auto;
                         font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; }